ADR Tex fabric

ADR®TEX fabric

ADR®TEX is an electromagnetic field (PEM) shielding fabric that does not require grounding.

For shielding, a method developed by ADR®Technology was used, in which the dielectric absorption of the composite can be adjusted to the desired shielding frequency range.

ADR®TEX provides effective protection against harmful electromagnetic radiation emitted by telecommunications devices such as mobile phones, base station antennas (2G GSM/GPRS, 3G UMTS/HSPA, 4G LTE, 5G), digital TV, radars, etc. It also protects us against the electric field generated by cables and electrical and electronic devices[1].

ADR TEX ensures good regeneration of the body during sleep, shielding against the negative effects of EMF. Research has shown that the day-night cycle plays an important role in the process of “repairing” DNA in cells[1]. This is due to the fact that at night there is no sunlight, the UV radiation of which damages DNA, and active metabolic products, which also lead to DNA damage, are minimized at night.

50 Hz electric field distribution without the use of ADR®TEX
50 Hz electric field distribution using ADR®TEX under the mattress
50 Hz electric field distribution using ADR®TEX under the mattress and duvet

How EMF affects you

The negative impact of EMF on the human body consists primarily in disturbing its basic life functions.

Electric currents in the human body are part of normal life functions: nerve signals involve the transmission of electrical impulses, and many biochemical reactions, from digestion to brain activity, are also electrical processes. It can therefore be expected that long-term exposure to an electric field, even of low intensity, may cause bad health [1]. An American publication is alarming, stating that “electromagnetic smog” contributes to lifestyle diseases (circulatory system diseases, cancer, diabetes). to a much greater extent than changing lifestyle [2].

The rapid, uncontrolled increase in electricity consumption in the 20th century and the development of electronics, computer science, telecommunications, satellite navigation and diagnostic and industrial devices prompt not only the analysis of civilization threats, but also the development of methods of shielding against EMF. ADR®Technology electromagnetic field shields are the answer to these challenges. These screens are composites – multi-phase systems and constitute a modern approach to the problem of EMF shielding, because by selecting the component phases, their volume ratios and the method of combining phases, it is possible to design screens with the desired frequency range and shielding efficiency.

Magnetic field shielding

ADR TEX is a composite using the electromagnetic field shielding method developed by ADR Technology.

The matrix of this composite is a fabric woven from many types of yarns with inserted threads made of metal (INOX). After weaving, washing and stabilizing, the material is impregnated with ADR SOL solution in the final phase and then dried. The effect of impregnation is to “trap” water molecules in the porous structures of the fabric, covering the conductive mesh around it. In such a technological solution, the fabric acquires features that shield low-frequency electric fields through absorption. This solution is different from the shielding method of typical shielding materials made of e.g. polyamide fiber covered with a thin layer of silver or fabrics that only have intersecting steel wires in them and such fabrics do not have low-frequency shielding by absorption, as in the case of ADR TEX fabric . Then, due to the lack of ADR Technology, this type of low-frequency electric field shielding materials require grounding, which is difficult to use in applications such as: blinds and curtains for windows, canopies, layers in mattresses and duvets, not to mention their use as clothing material. . The negative effects of using such materials in protecting humans against radiation are not fully known. The ADR TEX fabric does not have such defects, and in addition to shielding effectiveness tests, it has published medical and biological tests that have revealed amazing effects of the beneficial effects of the use of ADR Technology.[1]

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